How do I Call a Taxi in York?

At Drive Taxis York, we pride ourselves on offering a range of convenient, user-friendly options for booking a taxi in York. Whether you’re tech-savvy or prefer traditional methods, we’ve got you covered.

  1. Mobile App: Our custom mobile app, available for both iOS and Android devices, is the quickest way to book a taxi. It’s designed for ease of use, allowing you to book a taxi with just a few taps. Features like tracking your taxi in real-time and receiving driver details make it a popular choice. Visit our App page for more details and download links.
  2. Online Booking: For those who prefer using a computer, our website offers a straightforward online booking system. It’s efficient and perfect for planning your trips in advance. Just fill in the details and your taxi will be booked in no time. Check out our Online Booking page for more information.
  3. Phone Booking: Traditionalists can appreciate our friendly phone booking service. Simply call us at 01904 659659, and our team will assist you with your booking. This option is ideal for those who may have specific requests or questions about their journey. Find out more on our Contact page.
  4. SMS Booking: For a quick and easy booking, you can also use our SMS service. This is particularly useful if you’re in a hurry or prefer not to use an app.
  5. Services: Beyond just booking a taxi, we offer a range of services to cater to different needs, including local taxi services, airport transfers, and minibuses for larger groups or special events. Our website provides detailed information about these services, ensuring you can find the right option for your needs.

We strive to provide a seamless, comfortable, and reliable taxi service to all our customers in York. Our commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in the variety of booking options we provide, catering to different preferences and needs.